The Skook News is a local newspaper based in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The paper covers the coal region in the state. Read about the city and its residents in the newspaper. You can read about new restaurants and businesses in the downtown area of Skook. This newspaper is one of the oldest in the area. Currently, it has a print circulation of about 600. The Skook News was established in 1907.
Wheel in Tamaqua was just about to open in Pottsville
The new Wheel restaurant in Tamaqua is already making waves in the area, and its owners are already laying out a comprehensive plan to boost wages. The plan includes tuition assistance, paid holidays for all employees, and a retirement program. The business also plans to work with local residents and the Tamaqua Historical Society to showcase artifacts from Tamaqua. “We’re trying to attract local employees,” Logothetides said.
After the success of the original Wheel in Pottsville, the owners are now expanding their restaurant. The new location will open at 125 E. Broad Street, the former site of Wenzel’s Bakery. The restaurant will be located in a City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ), which leverages state tax dollars to encourage local business expansion. In February, the restaurant owner will appear before the Tamaqua Zoning Hearing Board.
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New restaurants opening in Pottsville
The Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for a new restaurant, The Park Tavern & Grille, on Centre Street in Pottsville. Owners Bill and Tammy Shugars say the new restaurant will serve good food and is the perfect place to celebrate a big occasion. The restaurant will also be available for corporate meetings and special events. The new restaurant will offer both lunch and dinner service.
The city is on the cusp of a rejuvenation, and local artists are eager to be part of the action. Artists have long been an integral part of the town, and this trend is set to continue as the city begins its new era of economic growth. The Block of Art program will help attract more visitors and keep the city’s downtown alive. At the same time, the event is free and open to the public.
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Pottsville redeveloping its downtown
In an effort to revitalize the city’s downtown, developers are taking the first steps in transforming the community. They are working with the Pottsville Area Development Corporation and state senator Dave Argall to find new business ideas and opportunities. The state grant money will help bring more jobs and businesses to Pottsville, as well as fill vacant buildings. Here are some tips to help revitalize your downtown.
Launch Pottsville, an entrepreneurial competition aimed at revitalizing the Pottsville Strategic Redevelopment Area, is now in its next phase. The competition originally planned to begin in 2020 but was delayed by one year due to COVID-19. There are now eleven business plan applications submitted for the competition, ranging from hospitality to events, arts, and social entertainment. Once the competition reaches the second phase, the winner will receive up to $50,000 in startup capital.
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